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East Lyme Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Am I a Candidate for Implants?

Rendering of jaw with dental implantAt East Lyme Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery our top priority is ensuring each procedure goes well. Our patients trust us to deliver the results they are expecting which is why we need to make sure that a procedure is a good fit for the person requesting it. With dental implants, most people are able to go ahead with the procedure, but there are some caveats to be aware of - here is what you need to know about who is and isn’t a good candidate for receiving dental implants.

Good Candidates

We evaluate a patient using an x-ray and CT scan to check the teeth, jaws, tissue, and other aspects of the mouth as well as other health factors to determine their overall eligibility of a patient. Ensuring that everyone is compatible with implants means that the success rate of the procedure is extremely high. Dental implants require strong, healthy jaws with enough area to successfully house and support them. Even when there isn’t enough bone in the jaw to support implants, this can be remedied with bone grafting which replaces the lost bone either using a donor bone or bone that is taken from another part of your body. Healthy gums are also a requirement because the implants go into the jaw and out of the gums where the abutment point is.

Most people will pass these checks and even if they do not, there is still a chance we can still work with them to enable them to receive implants. Being a good candidate also involves other factors, however.

Problems That Cause Risk

People with major health issues such as cancer or diabetes are red flags when it comes to a high risk for a negative outcome. Addiction to smoking and alcohol is also noted - as well as certain drug usage and people with bruxism (grinding of the teeth). It doesn’t mean that you are an instant write-off if you have one of these red flags, but a thorough evaluation is necessary to determine the risk factor. Even if the initial procedure goes well, it is often what can happen down the road that puts a pause on giving approval for the procedure.

What Can You Do If You Are Deemed Ineligible?

In many circumstances where a patient is deemed ineligible, they can come back in the future after certain problems have been turned around. A patient deemed incompatible simply means they are incompatible right now - not necessarily forever.

An alternative to implants can be bridgework, depending on how many teeth the patient wants to replace. Dental bridges use your natural teeth for support with pontic teeth to fill the gap that used to contain teeth. These are an aesthetically pleasing option that can provide you years full of smiles and functionality.

At East Lyme Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery we will do everything we can to provide the best options for you. Our goal is to safely provide the services people are looking for and we want you to become a part of our family of patients. If you are in need of tooth replacement options, don’t hesitate to call our office at (860) 934-7809.

Conveniently located in East Lyme, CT.

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(860) 934-7809


Mon: 8:00am–4:00pm
Tue: 8:00am–4:00pm
Wed: Closed
Thur: 8:00am–4:00pm
Fri: 8:00am–4:00pm
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East Lyme Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 314 Flanders Road Suite 1B East Lyme, CT 06333; (860) 934-7809;; 1/18/2025; Related Phrases: oral surgeon East Lyme Ct;