Pediatric Oral Surgery East Lyme, CT
Surgery for a child can be a traumatic experience. At East Lyme Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we can shield your child from the stress and anxiety of needed procedures through an array of sedation options for before and during the procedure. Common procedures we perform for young patients include extraction of teeth due to infection, treatment of facial trauma, exposure of impacted teeth for orthodontics, biopsy of pathology, frenectomy procedures to release tongue-tie and tethered tissues, and many more.
We are experienced in dealing with young children and teenagers with severe anxiety and can guide them through the entire process comfortably. In addition, at East Lyme Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery we understand that the process isn’t completed when the surgery is over, and we are expert in providing post-operative pain relief, often through non-narcotic means. |